Alyssandra Barnes Author

A recent journalism graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, <a href="">Alyssandra Barnes</a> believes that fear should never be a limiting factor. Jumping head first into any challenge, she has soloed a single engine aircraft and hopes to earn her pilot’s license soon. She loves to hike, kiteboard, and do anything in the ocean.

Going Deep: Learning the Art of Freediving

  Every woman wishes they could be a mermaid, right? Scuba diving is great, but it’s just not the same thing. Yes, you’re under...



Maritime Certifications You Need to Crew on a Boat

So, you want to look out of your office window and see turquoise waves and sparkling water instead of...

Blog, Travel

Caribbean Cruisin’: St. Thomas

Although three islands, St. John, St. Croix and St. Thomas, make up the dynamic culture of the U.S. Virgin...

Travel, US, Water Sports

The Virgin Islands: Caribbean Cruisin’

Ed. note: This is the first part in a series by Women’s Adventure contributor Alyssandra Barnes, as she...


Try This: Paragliding

Less extreme than skydiving, paragliding is a way to experience the beauty of gently floating on the wind....

International, Travel

How to Become an Au Pair

Contributor Alyssandra Barnes is currently working as an au pair in Santiago, Chile. She gives you the...