Annie’s Antarctic Adventure


WA friend Anne Bonney recently finished a trip to Antarctica and sent us the link to her trip blog, along with a little bio:

Anne Bonney was born in New Jersey, moved a year later and hasn’t stopped since. Her travels have taken her from the pyramids in Egypt, to an elephant polo match in Nepal, to a performing arts boarding school in the woods of Michigan. Out of college, she taught elementary special education, but has since trained marine mammals and birds of prey, bartended, facilitated team building on a ropes course, and now she’s in marketing for women’s athletic apparel. She was always athletic, but never had much of a chance to be an athlete until about 4 years ago when she ran the 3 mile leg on a relay team, and got the bug. Now marathon running is an opportunity to wear goofy costumes (Elvis and Hula girl most recently), bond with similarly clad friends and travel to exotic locations. (Antarctica and Argentina, February 2007) Also a triathlete and an adventure racer, Anne’s next big challenge is starting graduate school in June 2007.

Check out Anne’s latest at her blog:

Last modified: December 1, 2013

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