

By Denise Janson My heart pounds as my kite rises slowly from my husband’s grasp. The energy of the wind channels through me as I...

Reader Stories

Reader Stories


By Pamela Clark Surfing has given me the ability to fail and to fail miserably with pride. There should be a...


Annie’s Antarctic Adventure

WA friend Anne Bonney recently finished a trip to Antarctica and sent us the link to her trip blog, along...


Greetings from Creede, Colorado

Drive into the town of Creede and you’ll see this sign: Welcome to Creede. 586 Nice Folks & 17...


Armadillo Guitar, Miner Man, and Dead Beaver-Rat

Where to start? My family arrived here on Thursday making me realize that home is wherever they are. Daisy,...


Is Ignorance Really Bliss?

My guess is that the most brilliant and real people in this world are the young children. Some deem them...