Reader Stories

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Is It Worth the View?

When the going gets tough, the tough don't get going--they keep going. ...

Blog, Reader Stories

Blog, Reader Stories

Response to a Summer Issue Headline

I was drawn to your article "Wrench Wench" about the United Bicycle Institute. I feel it speaks to...

Blog, Reader Stories

Annihilation: Facing Fear and Doubt During Training

A reader shares the story of training for her first century race....

Reader Stories

Trekking in Humla, Nepal

This Fall we had the opportunity to spend 16 days trekking in Humla, Nepal. Before we left we had heard how...

Reader Stories

Lessons from my First Triathlon

At age 42 I decided that I was ready to fulfill an item on my bucket list--a triathlon. I wish I could tell...

Reader Stories

Solo South Sister Summit Mission!

Last time I skied South Sister was with my best ski buddy and at the peak of my physical ability. This time I...