
Someone Filled The Grand Canyon With Marshmallows?

No, not really. Every few months, a temperature inversion causes this strange phenomenon with the clouds in the Grand Canyon. Cold air...

Hiking & Backpacking, US

Guided Trips, Travel

Update Your Passport And Tune Up Your Bike

Your work vacation won’t use itself. ...


How To Have A Smooth Flight With Your Animal

Remember that before you start any of your family fun, make sure your pet has food, water, and has acclimated...

International, Travel

Where A Libra Should Vacation

Bangkok, Athens, Berlin, Palermo, or Paris? Where should your astrological sign vacation next? ...


The 8 Best Adventure Travel Activities in India

“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the...

Travel, US

Avoid Traffic, Parking Fees, And Crowds By Biking To The Balloon Fiesta

Sometimes, the balloons would float over the Rio Grande and we’d follow their course, spinning back home...