My Chariot Chinook passenger seems pretty pleased with his ride.
Erica Lineberry at Cragmama reviews the Chariot Chinook convertable bike trailer/jogging stroller. The new Chariot Chinook is designed “for those seeking urban adventures…to accommodate busy families who want to go anywhere and do anything.”
By Erica Lineberry
Our family has long since been fans of products from Chariot. Their commitment to family adventure is unprecedented, as for years this company has been providing families with ways to get everyone from here to there in just about any way imaginable – bike, run, walk, ski, etc. Our first experience with Chariot was with the Cabriolet. It’s a durable two-seater that has been on many a family escapade over the past 3 years. I even did a review on it way back when we first got it (found here). It wasn’t until we rented some bike trailers for C and his cousin on a family vacation in Michigan back in 2011 that I realized how much Chariot products stood out from their competition. So when the lovely ladies from Women’s Adventure asked if I’d be willing to review the latest urban offering from Chariot as part of their gear guide, I jumped at the chance.
Before you start to think this all sounds too good to be true, keep in mind that this stroller/trailer combo definitely falls into the “luxury” category. If our old Cabriolet was a reliable Honda Accord, I’d say the Chinook is more along the lines of a Mercedes luxury sedan with all the bells and whistles. At a hefty $949.95 MSRP, this single carrier sports a price tag that is more than double our two-seating Cabriolet (that being said, it only cost 50 extra bucks to upgrade your Chinook to a double, so unless you want to save weight, a double’s not a bad idea even with just one kid.)
Like all Chariot products, I think the Chinook is a very well designed piece of gear that will last your family for as long as you need it – and then some! It has features that will not only help active families stay active, but could very well get families on the bike/road/trail who would otherwise be at home on the couch! This review was written in conjunction with a gear guide for the summer issue of Women’s Adventure Magazine. For more great gear options this summer, pick up the latest copy at the newsstand or click here.