This high school long distance runner is getting every last mile out of her able legs.

For Kayla, success in high school track comes at a price.
Once a passionate soccer player, Kayla Montgomery turned to track when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Running and running fast are her specialties. But stopping is the hard part.
Kayla’s coach needs to catch her at the finish line of every single race. She can’t feel her legs once the muscles have warmed up, which brings a host of challenges but doesn’t put a damper on Kayla’s zeal for running and drive to win.
“As long as I’m running, everything seems fine.” —Kayla Montgomery
There’s not much else we can say that this video doesn’t illustrate. Except for this: Get the tissues. Kayla is one of the most passionate runners and motivating individuals out there.
This is so beautiful!
I love her courage, her optimism, her fighter attitude.
Thank god she has a coach and family that believe in her and supports her!
Reminds of a friend of mine, she’s an active cross country skiier, very fit, and got MS 4 yrs ago – she’s still skiing.
She also ran a half-marathon but she told me afterwards that it was a bit hard and weird because she couldn’t stop to drink at the aid stations – she couldn’t stop running.
MS is a weird thing, I hope they find a cure for it.