Darcy Africa Wins Hardrock 100 For Third Consecutive Year


Darcy Piceau-Africa, featured in the above video, was the top female finisher in the grueling Hardrock 100 endurance race for the third year in a row. Africa’s time this year was 29:49:58—that’s more than a full day of running through the San Juan Mountains.

The race begins and ends in Silverton, Colorado. The route takes runners up and down approximately 34,000 feet of elevation gain. Runners spend most of their time above 11,000 feet of elevation and wear headlamps at night to navigate the mountain course in the dark. Even seasoned runners and former finishers are often forced to drop out mid-race from injuries or fatigue, so completing the race at all is a feat. But winning it three times in a row? Simply amazing. Congratulations, Darcy!

It's a tradition for Hardrock 100 finishers to kiss the rock upon their return to Silverton. Darci Africa bends over to give it a smooch.

It’s a tradition for Hardrock 100 finishers to kiss the rock upon their return to Silverton. Darcy Africa bends over to give it a smooch.

Last modified: July 23, 2014

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