Meet the Sister Who Gave Her Spot at the Olympics to Her Twin

Snow Sports

What would you do for your sister?

U.S. biathlete Tracy Barnes gave up her spot on the Olympic team this week to her twin sister, Lanny Barnes. The pair trained together, but when Lanny was sick during some of the qualifying races, it was Tracy who earned a berth. But she wanted her sister to go—her sister had been the top American woman in Vancouver, and Tracy wanted to see her fulfill her dream. There are some things that are more important than winning, and sacrifices as beautiful as this are what make the Olympic games so meaningful. Tracy is in Sochi right now, cheering Lanny on.

“I think that her selfless act encompasses what an Olympian truly is. Often during the hype of the games we forget what the Olympics are really about. They aren’t about the medals and the fame and all of that. The Olympics are about inspiration, teamwork, excellence and representation. I can think of no better example of the true Olympic spirit than what Tracy did,” Lanny said. If successful in winning a medal she vowed she would give it to her sister.

For the biathlon schedule and results in Sochi this week, check out this page.

Last modified: March 4, 2014


One Response to :
Meet the Sister Who Gave Her Spot at the Olympics to Her Twin

  1. jeannemeeks says:

    Great story. We’ll have to watch her competitions. I wonder if Tracy thought Lanny had a better chance to win a gold than she herself did.

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