Women’s Adventure Co-Hosts Telluride Screening Of Pretty Faces

Snow Sports

pretty faces telluride nov 29

Forget driving to the city and standing in long lines to see the latest Hunger Games movie this holiday weekend. Instead, come to Telluride, CO, and watch skier girls shred on the big screen!

Pretty Faces: The Story Of A Skier Girl will premiere in Telluride this weekend! And Women’s Adventure magazine is co-hosting.

The women’s ski film directed by Lynsey Dyer—our winter issue cover girl!—has been nominated in three different categories for the 15th Annual Powder Awards. It’s nominated for Best Editing and Movie of the Year; plus, Lynsey Dyer and Elyse Saugstad both received nominations for Best Female Performance. The Powder Awards take place will be presented on December 5th in Salt Lake City so you’ll want to catch the film before then.

And if you need another reason to venture out and party at the theater with like-minded women, there will be opportunity to win gear. Free gear.

The Pretty Faces screening in Telluride (Nov. 29) is presented by Zeal Optics, Jagged Edge, and Women’s Adventure magazine.

Pretty Faces by Unicorn Picnic Productions will show at Telluride’s Sheridan Opera House on November 29 at 5:30 and 8 p.m.

Buy your tickets here.


Last modified: November 30, 2014

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