Finally, An Ad With Women In Swimsuits That Will Make You Smile

Health, Mind



This über-empowering (and heart-warming) video just nails it.

Without being preachy, the short This Girl Can montage celebrates women who love to move. From swimmers to dancers to joggers, each of these women are having the time of their lives, using their able and beautiful bodies. And each of them is sweating, jiggling, gliding, and bouncing with no reservations—completely without fear of judgement. As it should be.


If you’ve ever felt shy about your body when you suit up for a run or to hit the gym, you’re not alone.

This Girl Can is an advertising campaign created by Sports England. Sports England conducted a study where 75 percent of British women aged 14-40 said that insecurity was an obstacle to being more active—they worried about being judged for being the wrong size, not fit enough, and not skilled enough. Hence the new campaign, #thisgirlcan, and the video, which has gone viral with millions of views. From the opening scene, where the normal looking swimmer snaps her bikini bottom with sass, to the jogger with makeup on, to the sweaty, out-of-breath women working out, the message is clear: Exercise is not about how you look; it’s about how you feel.

Oh, and the best part is that there’s a whole YouTube channel centered around videos like this!

It will inspire you to get out and sweat, and after watching these sassy ladies groove, you’ll be motivated to do it with style.



Last modified: January 28, 2015

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